Options Strategies


A call option is a contract that gives the holder the right to purchase the underlying security at a specified price for a certain fixed period of time.

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Options Strategies​

Options are financial derivatives that grant the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call option) or sell (put option) a specific underlying asset, such as a stock, at a predetermined price, known as the strike price, within a specified period. Additionally, options trading includes the possibility of “writing options,” where an investor can sell options contracts and receive a premium in exchange for taking on the corresponding obligation, providing another layer of strategy and income potential. Options provide investors with flexibility and the potential to profit from market movements, manage risk, and create tailored strategies to achieve their financial goals. Our goal is to demystify option trading and help you understand how it can be a valuable tool for managing risk and enhancing your investment portfolio.

Covered Call Strategies

A covered call strategy is an options trading approach where an investor holds a long position in a specific underlying asset, such as an Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) or stock, and simultaneously sells (writes) a call option on that same asset for a premium. The premium is a crucial component and represents the income received by the investor for selling the call option.

A covered call strategy offers various scenarios for investors, depending on the movement of the underlying stock price and market conditions. Here are the key scenarios:

Profit in a Stable or Slightly Bullish Market:

  • If the stock’s price remains relatively stable or experiences only modest gains, the investor benefits from:
    • Earning the premium income from selling the call option.
    • Retaining ownership of the underlying stock.

Maximum Profit at or Below the Strike Price:

  • If the stock price stays at or below the strike price of the call option until its expiration, the investor:
    • Earns the premium.
    • Keeps the underlying stock.
    • Maximizes their profit, as they capture both the premium and any appreciation in the stock’s price up to the strike price.

Limited Profit in a Moderately Bullish Market:

  • If the stock price rises, but not above the strike price of the call option, the investor:
    • Earns the premium.
    • Is obligated to sell the underlying stock at the strike price if the call option is exercised.
    • Profits from the difference between the strike price and their original purchase price of the stock.

Capped Gains Beyond the Strike Price:

  • If the stock’s price surges significantly above the strike price, the investor:
    • Earns the premium.
    • Is obligated to sell the stock at the strike price if the call option is exercised.
    • Caps their potential gains at the strike price and may miss out on additional profits from the stock’s further appreciation.

Losses If the Stock Price Falls Sharply:

  • In the event of a substantial decline in the stock’s price, the investor:
    • Earns the premium but may experience a paper loss on the stock.
    • However, the premium partially offsets the stock loss, reducing the overall loss compared to owning the stock outright.

Management Decisions:

Depending on market conditions, the investor may choose to:

Buy back the call option to close the position before expiration if they want to retain ownership of the stock.

Roll the call option by closing the existing one and selling a new call option with a later expiration date or a different strike price.

Let the call option expire if they are comfortable with selling the stock at the strike price.

The key to success in a covered call strategy lies in the investor’s ability to effectively manage their positions and make informed decisions based on their outlook for the underlying stock and market conditions. It’s a strategy that provides income and some downside protection but limits potential upside gains, making it important to align with an investor’s overall financial goals and risk tolerance.

BBPWM Added Value

Covered call strategies can become complex, especially when managing multiple covered call positions on different ETFs/stocks with various strike prices and expiration dates. Keeping track of these positions may require careful monitoring and decision-making. At BBPWM, we take pride in our extensive expertise in managing option strategies, and we’re committed to leveraging this knowledge to benefit our clients in numerous ways.

Customized Solutions: Our team of experienced professionals understands that every client is unique. We work closely with you to tailor option strategies that align with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.

Risk Management: Options are versatile tools for managing risk. We use our expertise to structure strategies that provide effective hedging solutions, protecting your portfolio from adverse market movements.

Enhanced Income: Our specialists are adept at designing option strategies that generate consistent income streams, helping you to potentially boost your investment returns.

Capital Preservation: We emphasize capital preservation and, with our options expertise, strive to help clients safeguard their investments during volatile market conditions, ultimately minimizing potential losses.

Education and Empowerment: We believe in equipping our clients with the knowledge to make informed decisions. Our team provides comprehensive education on options and their associated strategies, ensuring you have a clear understanding of the mechanisms at work.

Dynamic Portfolio Management: We use our option expertise to create dynamic portfolio management strategies that can adapt to changing market conditions, seize opportunities, and mitigate risks effectively.

Tax Efficiency: Our proficiency extends to understanding the tax implications of option strategies. We help clients maximize tax efficiency while making the most of their investment returns.

Continual Monitoring and Adaptation: Markets are ever-evolving, and we are diligent in monitoring your options positions, making necessary adjustments to optimize your portfolio’s performance.

Transparency and Trust: At BBPWM, we prioritize transparency and build trust through clear communication, ensuring our clients are well-informed and confident in the strategies we implement on their behalf.


Generates Income : By selling the call option, the investor receives a premium, which provides immediate income. It can be a valuable source of immediate cash flow and can enhance the overall return on the investment, especially in cases where the stock remains stable or experiences only modest price gains.

Reduce Risk/Downside Protection : If the underlying asset remains stable or falls, the investor keeps the premium received from selling the call option, providing a form of downside protection. The premium partially offsets the potential loss on the stock, effectively reducing the breakeven point for the trade.

Enhanced Returns : While capping potential gains if the stock rises above the strike price, the covered call strategy can be an effective way to enhance overall returns, especially in a flat or moderately bullish market.

Time Decay/Diminishing Asset : Options have a built-in time decay component, known as “theta.” As options approach their expiration date, the time value of the option erodes, which is beneficial for the option seller. When you sell an option, you benefit from time decay because the option you sold loses value over time. As the expiration date of the option approaches, the time decay accelerates. This means that the option you sold loses value more quickly. If the underlying asset’s price doesn’t move significantly in the direction that benefits the buyer of the option, you can keep the premium as profit. This income from time decay can be particularly advantageous in situations where the underlying asset’s value is stagnant or declining.

Strategic Flexibility : Selling options allows you to tailor your strategy to your outlook on the asset and the market. You can select options with different strike prices and expiration dates based on your expectations for the underlying asset’s performance.

Dividend Capture : As the owner of the stock, you have the opportunity to capture these dividend payments. This income from dividends is in addition to any premium income you may receive from selling call options on the same stock.


Limited Profit Potential : One of the primary disadvantages of a covered call strategy is the potential limitation on profit. By selling a call option, you agree to sell your stock at a predetermined price (the strike price) if the option is exercised. This means you may miss out on significant gains if the stock’s price rises significantly above the strike price.

Obligation to Sell : When you sell a call option, you have an obligation to sell the underlying stock at the strike price if the option is exercised by the buyer. This can lead to the sale of your stock at a price lower than its market value if the stock’s price rises substantially.

Reduced Downside Protection : While covered calls provide some downside protection through the premium income received, this protection may not be sufficient in the event of a significant decline in the stock’s price. The premium income may only partially offset the loss, leaving you with a net loss.

Foregone Dividends : Selling a covered call may result in the loss of dividend income.

Potential Call Assignment : Call options can be exercised at any time before or on the expiration date. If the stock’s price rises substantially and the option is exercised early, you may miss out on further price appreciation or dividend payouts.

Tax Considerations : While there can be tax advantages to covered call strategies, there are also potential tax implications that investors need to be aware of.

Tax Implications

Covered call strategies can offer certain tax advantages when compared to other investment strategies. These advantages primarily stem from the way income generated from covered calls is treated for tax purposes:

Income Characterization:

Income received from selling covered call options is typically classified as “capital gains” or “short-term capital gains.” This is often more tax-efficient than receiving income in the form of “ordinary income,” which is typically taxed at a higher rate. Capital gains are subject to specific tax rates that may be more favorable.

Offsetting Losses:

If the underlying stock held in a covered call strategy experiences a loss, the premium income received from selling the call options can help offset some or all of the losses. You can use these capital losses to offset capital gains in other parts of your portfolio, potentially reducing your overall tax liability.

Holding Period Impact:

The holding period for the underlying stock can influence the tax treatment of your capital gains. If you’ve held the stock for more than one year, the gains may be classified as “long-term capital gains,” which often have lower tax rates than “short-term capital gains” (held for one year or less).

Lower Tax Rates on Long-Term Gains:

Long-term capital gains tax rates are generally more favorable than ordinary income tax rates. In many tax jurisdictions, these rates are often lower, providing potential tax savings for investors holding the stock for an extended period before using a covered call strategy.

Tax Deferral:

If you consistently use covered calls to generate income while holding the underlying stock, you may be able to defer paying taxes on your capital gains until you decide to sell the stock. This tax deferral can be advantageous for managing your tax liability and allows your investments to potentially grow tax-efficiently.

Loss Deductions:

Capital losses incurred from closed covered call positions can be used to offset capital gains or even ordinary income in some cases, further reducing your overall tax burden.

While covered call strategies offer tax advantages, it’s essential to consult with a tax advisor or financial professional to fully understand the tax implications specific to your individual situation. Tax laws can vary depending on your location and can change over time, so it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest tax regulations and how they may impact your covered call strategy.

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